Hello buddies! Just wanted to communicate some enthralling news—I've properly launched my own drywall repair business here in sunny California! вЂпёЏ As a perennial resident of the Golden State, I recognize just how vital it is to keep your home in optimal shape, particularly with our coastal climate. Whether you're...
All this year a charge for $7.65 has apperaed on our credit card & we have no idea what it's for. I've tried to call, but to no avail. I'm submitting my report, which needs to be answered ASAP. If not, I'll go through my credit card...
26 Sep 2024 Visa purchase V*OMO-APP.IO Limassol CY 38.950000 USD at 1.33299 GOOGLE 1280 £29.22
$49.99 charge in my checking account.
Unclear what this is. Upon futher review, I was charged $49.99 on 9/19 and $39.99 on 6/28.
Merchant type says Digital media, books, movies, music
Method was online, mail or phone
and Category says Entertainment.
I haven't purchased anything...
44 dollars out of my account and idk for what did bought nothing or anything
Charge suddenly appeared on my bank card. I never ordered anything from these people. I never even heard of them and have no idea what they do if they do anything.
5815 digital media
Payment made against my banking account 4 transactions appeared these transaction not OK by me Lucien Guilbault ,
Eastford Ct 06242
Would you please reply :
Unknown transactions
At 1 am my card was charged $210 but luckily it was declined because I only had $94 dollars on the card. This was an attempt at charging my card without authorization!
No se, apareció en mi cuenta el debito
This is my reference number for the payment :-AT242200045000011428052
I done the payment but I didn’t get any order confirmation mail.can you please confirm the order
I have been charged for no reason with amount of 159 dollars from my account . Please revert this transaction back
Movimiento que no realice
M4M, Tranzactie comerciant - Tranz: Nr card 546805XXXXXX2026, token XX2879, Ref 563106358120, Suma platita 29.99 USD, Suma in valuta contului 138.23 RON. Comision: 3.46 RON. Locatie: FR STP*creare-cv*s Etampes. Data_Ora: 30-07-2024 06:34:40
Computer Maintenance and Repair
Reccuring monthly payment CAN$ 28.99, last payment
Jul 10, 2024, unknown charge.
Wish to cancel.
$15 continuous charge
168.88 Regions Bank Zachary Louisiana made June 20,2024 card 9556{canceled} Returned package to Valley FORGE in Tampa Florida33684
i got charged 15.12 when i didn’t buy anything for apple nor do i have any subscriptions adding up to 15.12, and if i do, the description of charge does not have a number in it. I would like a full refund.
I would like to stop transaction. thank you very much
Am făcut un cv, am platit când l am făcut ca sa l pot descarca și acum stp ăsta mi a luat din cont 29 de dolari. Este normal așa ceva? Eu n am autorizat nimic și îmi vreau banii înapoi!!!
AC-PROG COUNTY MUT INS PREM PPD $ 152.29 hit on my bank account