Safe Harbor Computers

The charge Safe Harbor Computers was first reported Dec 16, 2013.
Safe Harbor Computers charge has been reported as unauthorized by 79 users, 18 users recognized the charge as safe.

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  • Anup
  • Apr 2, 2015
Насчет войны: как раз читаю предсказания Эдгара Кейси о возможности 3 Мир.Войны, о начале борьбы в том числе в Ливии и Египте (что мы как раз и наблюдаем). Следующие Анкара и Сирия, и т.д. There is a possibility of a World War IIICayce froasew the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strife arising near the Davis Straits, and in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.Взято отсюда:

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Level of Distrust

79 Unauthorized
18 Authorized

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