Paypal Digitalrive AV

The charge Paypal Digitalrive AV was first reported Sep 2, 2018.
Paypal Digitalrive AV charge has been reported as unauthorized by 86 users, 18 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Paypal Digitalrive AV.


  • gabriela
  • Jun 7, 2024
i got charged for some digitalrive AV but i dont remember buying enything .. and i dont use paypal so what is it??

  • elaugesen
  • Sep 2, 2018
Unknown transaction of $59.99 noted on my Discover Card Statement

  • elaugesen
  • Sep 2, 2018
Unknown transaction noted on my Discover Card of $59.99

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Level of Distrust

86 Unauthorized
18 Authorized

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