Keith Hannam

The charge Keith Hannam was first reported Dec 24, 2020.
Keith Hannam charge has been reported as unauthorized by 67 users, 22 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Keith Hannam.


  • keithbuzza
  • Dec 24, 2020
Registered for a phone with what I thought was Tesco or similar @£1 which covered delivery.Since been charged £49.95 from promybilll40.com.How do I get my money refunded?Do I need to contact my bank?

  • Keith Hannam
  • Dec 24, 2020
I did same as another consumer who paid £1 for a phone and then charged £49.95.How do I get my money back?

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Level of Distrust

67 Unauthorized
22 Authorized

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