ADOBE *800-833-6687-6687 ADOBE.LY/ENCA CA

The charge ADOBE *800-833-6687-6687 ADOBE.LY/ENCA CA was first reported Oct 21, 2020.
ADOBE *800-833-6687-6687 ADOBE.LY/ENCA CA charge has been reported as unauthorized by 66 users, 17 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about ADOBE *800-833-6687-6687 ADOBE.LY/ENCA CA.


Most Useful Comment
  • Matt
  • Oct 8, 2022
ADOBE WEBSALES 800-833-6687 $10.59 gets charged to my AMEX credit card every month for at least 2 years, even I have never purchased anything related to Adobe. AMEX claims this is a legit charge and they cannot help me with this. Tried to complain about it at Amex several times Does anyone know how to deal with this? It seems more people are having the same issue.

Mark as Useful [1 vote]
38.89 CAD dollars was deducted from my credit card. I have already canceled my plan long time ago. I am sending this to kindly require a refund. Thanks, Zainab

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Level of Distrust

66 Unauthorized
17 Authorized

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