Msft *MicrosoftstoreBill.Ms.Net WA

The charge Msft *MicrosoftstoreBill.Ms.Net WA was first reported Nov 23, 2014.
Msft *MicrosoftstoreBill.Ms.Net WA charge has been reported as unauthorized by 66 users, 14 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about Msft *MicrosoftstoreBill.Ms.Net WA.


  • Judith Williams
  • Nov 23, 2014
charged Oct 11 on my credit card - I have no idea what it is for, please let me know. Thank you, Judy

  • Miro
  • Nov 24, 2014
If the amount was 1$ per transaction, Microsoft charges 1$ first before buying and usually pays back that amount few weeks after. You can see in the CC reference on which day and for what reason 1 $ has been charged from your account.

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66 Unauthorized
14 Authorized

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