The charge DATEMATCH.COM HERTFORD, GB was first reported Aug 18, 2013.
DATEMATCH.COM HERTFORD, GB charge has been reported as unauthorized by 72 users, 21 users recognized the charge as safe.

Help other potential victims by sharing any available information about DATEMATCH.COM HERTFORD, GB.


  • Elanor Kon
I did not subscribe to this site Im not sure how you got my card number

  • Jerold Gri
I have not ordered this site. I don't know how you got my credit card number but I want my money returned. If not returned I will take this futher. You want my date of purchase I did not PURCHASE...... I will put 1/1/2014 but i did not order....... I

  • Robby Cin
This service was discontinued last year, as it is a scam, they were notified via e mail and continue to charge my personal checking account.

  • Pete Lab
I want to cancel, and i did u charged me 29.95

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Level of Distrust

72 Unauthorized
21 Authorized

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